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13 impressions: created in Möriken-Wildegg-Switzerland. Sonja Burger (artist) exhibits her creations till June 2010 at Möriken library. Potential buyers have the opportunity to view/purchase these works in her studio by enquiry by Tel/E-mail. 

Rüdiger Anatomie
Rüdiger Anatomie
Rüdiger Anatomie
Rüdiger Anatomie

 Rüdiger-Anatomy-Berlin after looking for a new illustrator from 1985, decided upon the services of Sonja Burger. Since then she has illustrated the complete range of posters for Rüdiger-Anatomy, predominantly in collaboration/consultation with experienced medical professors in accordance to the defined area(s). The impressive outcome of this long-term collaboration was a useful and impressive collection of informative anatomical illustrations, completing a series to be seen at or